South District Wastewater Treatment Plant

- Carbon Steel
- Ductile Iron (AWWA)
- Confined Space Installation
- Cost and Schedule Certainty
- Ease of Installation
The South District Wastewater Treatment Plant, a part of the Miami-Dade County Water & Sewer Department (WASD), needed to make operational changes in order to meet Florida’s Ocean Outfall legislation and Consent Decree. To address the legislative requirements, several enhancements needed to be made throughout the facility to ensure that the WASD was providing high quality wastewater service while also protecting public health and the environment.
These upgrades will enable Miami-Dade County to complete its Ocean Outfall Legislation Project, which eliminates the regular use of ocean outfalls and protects the near-shore aquatic ecosystem off the coast of Florida. The measures will drastically reduce ocean outfalls while also increasing the plant’s capacity from 285 to 368 gallons a day.
Victaulic provided infrastructure solutions specific for the carbon steel piping in the Digester Clarifier Building #2 at the South District Wastewater Treatment Plant. Victaulic’s grooved technology, such as the Style 107N QuickVic Rigid Couplings, the Style 177N QuickVic Flexible Couplings, and the Style 341 Flange Adapters were easily able to be installed in the tight space requirements of this building. The grooved couplings have smaller product profiles than flanged components. Additionally, with far fewer bolts and nuts than a flanged joint, the installation time was able to be dramatically reduced.
Victaulic was able to provide Inherent value engineering to the South District Wastewater Treatment Plant. With faster installations and reduced time during the facility upgrades, Victaulic was able to save the South District WWTP valuable money on labor and resource costs.