
Tackle complex university and college campus projects while achieving cost and schedule certainty.

Required to keep pace with the latest technologies, contemporary amenities, and modern facilities to attract and retain students, colleges and universities are continually seeking ways to enhance the college experience. Dozens of facilities with unique heating, cooling and fire protection needs from residence halls, to dining halls, academic buildings, auditoriums, simulation labs, libraries and more are connected to a central district energy system. Grooved solutions can help you accommodate for complex, variable system needs and ever increasing technological advances while delivering your project on time and on budget.

For you this means:

  • Smart scheduling for summer completion
  • Installation with precision and speed
  • Enhanced system efficiency
  • Flexible, customizable designs

Recognizing that each facility is part of the larger campus ecosystem yet requires precisely designed, customizable heating, cooling, and fire protection solutions, Victaulic is a dedicated partner on projects of all sizes and scopes. Whether you’re tackling a system upgrade, retrofit, new construction or an expansion, we understand each project faces a strict timeline during the summer months to avoid impacts during the school year, and are committed to completing every job with precision and speed.

View Universities Projects

Values & Solutions

Efficiency & Scalability

  • Optimize equipment and piping layout with Virtual Design & Construction (VDC) services
  • Streamline design, delivery, prefabrication and installation
  • Modular solutions and grooved technology reduce material handling and man-hours


  • Unique Installation-ReadyTM Technology
  • Adhere to strict construction deadlines during summer breaks
  • Prefabrication support expedites project completion

Design Flexibility

  • Grooved technology means systems are infinitely reconfigurable as campus needs evolve
  • Flexible solutions work within existing building footprint to compress timeline
  • Customizable designs meet unique cooling, heating and fire safety needs of each facility